What Is Auto-Brewery Syndrome?
Welcome to Drinkipedia! Each week I answer a real question that people search for on Google. This week’s question is: What Is Auto-Brewery Syndrome?
Auto-brewery syndrome (ABS), also known as gut fermentation syndrome, is a very rare disorder. It sounds rather comical but it can cause problems and people who suffer from it display signs of alcohol intoxication, such slurred speech and disorientation and worse, despite not having had an alcoholic drink.
What Causes It?
Humans who consume carbohydrates (almost everyone) have gut microflora that ferment the sugars in the carbs. Usually this is not an issue but in rare cases people with underlying gut problems suffer from Auto Brewery Syndrome.
People with ABS take anti-fungal medication, consume a diet low in carbohydrates and ensure that gut microflora is balanced.
Drink-Driving Defence
There have been cases where ABS has led to drink-driving prosecutions when the driver failed a breathalyser test, despite having not having drunk alcohol. ABS is now recognised as a condition by some courts but using it has a defence for real drink driving needs medical proof of a pre-existing condition.
Books & Courses
At the School of Booze I encourage lifelong learning but you can do your homework at the pub! Textbooks (written by me) include titles about beer, gin, cocktails, and a drinks miscellany. Signed Copies Here And if you are in the market for some inexpensive downloadable Beer, Cider, or Wine Knowledge courses click here.
I also write fiction and my first novel ‘Sole Brethren: If The Shoe Fits’ was written under my pen-name B.A. Summer. One of the characters is the scion of a Champagne house, and it also contains the perfect pub. Here are some reviews.